Upcoming Events


Week of September 9-14 (Mon.-Sat.)
YSA Activity

An activity for young single adults is held each week following a 2nd or 4th Sunday. Please visit the Spring Hill YA GroupMe for full details about each activity.

September 14-15 (Sat.-Sun.)
Stake Conference

Tap/Click here for full details!

Week of September 23-28 (Mon.-Sat.)
YSA Activity

An activity for young single adults is held each week following a 2nd or 4th Sunday. Please visit the Spring Hill YA GroupMe for full details about each activity.

September 26 (Thu.), 7:00-8:30PM
Stake Interviews

Stake presidency members will be available to conduct interviews for temple recommends, ecclesiastical endorsement, and other purposes. No appointment necessary.

Location: Franklin Stake Center.


October 5-6 (Sat.-Sun.)
General Conference

We invite you to experience General Conference with millions of your brothers and sisters throughout the world. The Church has prepared many different options ofr viewing or listening. Tap/Click here for full details.


November 2 (Sat.)

Save the date for Franklin Stake Women’s Conference. This is one you will not want to miss!

Details to follow.

November 3 (Sun.), 4:30-5:30PM
YSA Fast and Testimony Meeting and Potluck

Join with other young single adults for a rejuvenating fast and testimony meeting. Potluck afterward. Location: Spring Hill meetinghouse. This event repeats on the first Sunday of each month.

Programs for Adults

Below are some stake-supported programs that benefit the adults of the stake. To find information about other stake programs, please refer to the Learning page.

Addiction recovery program

No matter how lost or hopeless you feel, you are a child of loving Heavenly Parents. Change and recovery are possible through Jesus Christ and His Atonement. As you reach out to Him, you can find recovery, peace, and hope. Click/tap to learn more.


Whether you are new to the scriptures or are a seasoned scriptorian, come increase your understanding as we study together. Click/tap to learn more.

BYU Pathway Worldwide

This one-year program can help you start or return to your higher education. Work toward a certificate, an associate degree, or a bachelor’s degree. Click/tap to learn more.


Bring to life your family’s history by exploring the lives of those who came before you. Collaborate with others and learn how to prepare names for temple ordinances. Click/tap to learn more.

Temple Information

Please refer to the Temple page for information about the following:

  • Nashville Tennessee Temple Schedule and Reservations

  • Stake temple recommend interview process