Upcoming Youth Events


September 14-15 (Sat.-Sun.)
Stake Conference

Tap/Click here for full details!

September 28 (Sat.), 7-10PM
Multi-stake Youth Dance

Join with youth from throughout the region for a fun-filled evening!

Location: FiveSense Farm, 7549 Woodbury Pk, Murfreesboro, TN 37122.


October 5-6 (Sat.-Sun.)
General Conference

We invite you to experience General Conference with millions of your brothers and sisters throughout the world. The Church has prepared many different options ofr viewing or listening. Tap/Click here for full details.

October 13 (Sun.), 6-7PM
Stake Youth Fireside

Whether you are preparing to serve a full-time mission, looking for ways to build your tesimony, or seeking an answer to a question, our monthly youth firesides can be a blessing in your life! We invite you to join with us as we support one another on our spiritual journey. All youth are welcome!

Dress: Sunday best.

In Person Option: Spring Hill building.
Remote Option: Tap/Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

Tap/Click here for more details.


To find out what’s new in Seminary, visit the Seminary page.