Family History Classes

Several family history classes are offered each week by Family Search Class Middle Tennessee at no cost. Come join with others who are searching for their ancestors!

Can I Refer a Friend?

Of course! Classes are available to anyone interested. We suggest following us on Facebook and sharing that page, as well as that page’s interactive content. You can also refer others to the Family Search Class Middle Tennessee website.

Why Genealogy?

Family history is discovering and learning more about our family members and gathering and preserving information about them. It is also performing saving ordinances for them in temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. By engaging in family history and temple work, we bring blessings not only to ourselves, but also to those who came before us.

Temple Attendance

We are blessed in our stake to have the Nashville Tennessee Temple nearby. Please refer to the Temple page for information about the following:

  • Nashville Tennessee Schedule and Reservations

  • Stake temple recommend interview process