#99plus1: Share Your Story!

We Invite You to Participate

President Russell M. Nelson will celebrate his 100th birthday on September 9, 2024. As we keep in mind his invitation to invite, minister to, and share stories of "the one," we would like to participate as a stake by highlighting and sharing individual testimonies through social media to spread the spirit of ministering. 

Submit Your Experience

If you have an experience you would like to share, please record a short video of yourself describing a time when you were "the one" who was ministered to. Detailed instructions for how to submit your video are below. We wish to especially invite youth and children to share if they feel inclined.

We will be posting your video testimonies to our stake social media beginning now through September 9th. Please follow along on Facebook by joining the page Franklin TN Stake and on Instagram by following @FranklinTNStake

**By submitting a video, you are agreeing to allow Franklin TN Stake to post the video and your first name to social media accounts, along with caption, share feature, and tag #99plus1, which is the hashtag for the global initiative. You are also agreeing to your video potentially being compiled as part of a montage and viewed during Stake Conference. You are also giving your permission for your video to be edited or cropped as needed.**

Instructions for Video Submission

  • Please submit a short (1-3 minute) video.

  • Video should be in vertical format, if possible.

  • Please use ONLY your first name in the video.

  • Name your file "last name_unit name" (Example: Smith_Spring Hill 3).

  • Submit a video by uploading the file to the folder linked below: