Ward/Branch Conference Resources for Relief Society

The stake Relief Society presidency has prepared the following resources for use in connection with the 2nd hour discussion during each ward and branch conference. Church leadership addresses are followed by scripture references.

Church LeadershIp Addresses

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Three Sisters

Joy D. Jones

Value beyond Measure

Gerrit W. Gong


Amy A. Wright

Abide the Day in Christ

Tamara W. Runia

Seeing God’s Family through the Overview Lens

Russell M. Nelson

The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like without It?

Russell M. Nelson

Spiritual Treasures

Linda K. Burton

Priesthood Power—Available to All

David A. Bednar

Converted unto the Lord

Russell M. Nelson

Choices for Eternity

Camille N. Johnson

Aligning with the Lord

Linda K. Burton

Prepared in a Manner That Never Had Been Known

Russell M. Nelson

The Answer Is Always Jesus Christ

Sharon Eubank

By Union of Feeling We Obtain Power with God

Scripture References